I cringed at the footage of me smoking in front of my daughters. I can't believe I did that.
Let's clarify on my relationship with Big Papa. We were together for three YEARS, not seven months, and we were in fact engaged. He is an incredible person and at this time only God knows what the future will hold for us. He is still my best friend and a part of my everyday life. [oh okay, if you say so]
When NeNe confronted me, there was so much I wanted to say, however my girls were sitting right behind me and it wasn't the time or the place to have this conversation. I tried to just let her speak and keep my cool so it didn't get ugly. [yeah it wouldn't have been cool for your kids to see you get your Barbie wig split]
I am excited about my music career, and I'm excited for the release of my single. It will debut the first of the year I'll let it speak for itself. [Kim, please tell us who's producing this beautiful melody, cause Dallas says he's not]
I thought you were unfairly treated on the Reunion show. That fake ass Ne Ne who clearly is living off of her geriatric husbands money had the nerve to say something about fake hair. If I were you I would've cursed her ugly ass out. She did have too much to say and by her talking about those she did clearly showed jealousy and anomosity and I am so sure that is because she is nowhere close to a beautiful person inside and/or out. You seemed intimidated moreso than it just being because your daughters were there. You should've showed them how a woman takes up for herself and done it in a classy way. Don't sweat the small stuff girl, do you and be the best at it. Ne Ne will continue to be the loud mouth insecure low budget bitch she portrayed on the show living off of her man's money. She couldn't attract someone her own age, she had to marry her father figure.
I thought you were unfairly treated and if I were you, I would've cursed that fake ass Ne Ne out. She had the nerve to talk about a wig knowing that ugly he she wouldn't be anything if it weren't for the geriatric husband who clearly is the bread winner in the family. She is a low budget bitch and you definitely called that. I just wish you would've had the nerve to say it to her face. You seemed intimidated.
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